The heart of this book is magick that works.
Do you want quick fixes, emergency solutions, direct results and magick for your exact and immediate circumstances? You get all that in this book. It's ideal for beginners or a new direction for the experienced occultist.
Chaos Magick is not about causing chaos with magick. It's about reordering your reality and directing life the way you want. Just like normal magick, but without a lot of the frills.
When it was invented, Chaos Magick probably seemed like a great big sloppy madness compared to the refined rites, robes, and rituals of old. Even though it works.
Chaos Magick is meant to be the most practical, simplified, bare-bones way to shift reality, but most books give you wild theory and no practical magick. This book changes all that.
This book presents a revolutionary style of Chaos Magick. These ideas are original, direct and above all, practical. If it doesn't work, it isn't magick.
You will discover:
- The secrets of Instant Alchemy, Emotional Crafting and The Fire of Gnosis.
- How to generate Magickal Chaos Energy to empower all your workings.
- Influence Magick, Thoughtforms and an alternative form of Sex Magick.
- Sigil Magick Remastered - a completely new way of tapping into the essence of magick.
- Contacting Spirits - detailed instructions for contacting and commanding entities.
- A unique system for working with the famed Olympic Spirits. This time, it's easy.
Adam Blackthorne writes with warmth and wit.
He knows there's nothing quite like doing magick and seeing it work. That's what lies ahead of you.
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