The End of The Debt Supercycle and How It Changes Everything
This is an extremely powerful, sobering, well-written and highly accessible book.
It will demonstrate to you why there are no painless solutions to the mounting debt problems around the world something that too many people are yet to realize.
It will take you on a well-documented journey through the debt supercycle, making stops around the world and at critical junctures.
And it is a must-read for anyone wishing to understand the global debt dynamics and ways to protect against its bad consequences.
There's clearly something important going on in the world economy. Something big. Something powerful and dangerous.
But something as yet undefined and uncertain. We are all feeling our way around in the dark, trying to figure out what it is. John Mauldin must have night vision glasses.
He does an excellent job of seeing the obstacles. You should read this book before you knock over a lamp and stumble over the furniture
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