24 Hours to Total Life Transformation
Many books have been written on the Law of Attraction and creating the life of your dreams. What makes this book different? Well first of all, it was written by a self admitted failure! That's right, I failed time after time in life.
After 20 years of trying to "Live My Dreams" by using the Law of Attraction, I had just about given up. It was only when I realized that the Law of Attraction wasn't what I thought it was that my life started to turn around.
You see, I had always thought that The Law of Attraction was a way to get what you wanted in life. What I realized is that the Law of Attraction doesn't explain how to get what you desire in life, it only explains how we attract the things in our lives to us.
When I realized that, I knew that there was a missing piece of the puzzle. After years of study and research I discovered that missing piece. What I found out is that no matter how much positive thinking, visualization or affirmations you might do, if you don't clear your negative emotions and limiting beliefs, you will never get what you authentically desire.
Getting clear is the key. By applying this new understanding and the techniques you will learn in this book, I was able to totally transform my thinking and my life!
Once clear you will not only find yourself effortlessly attracting exactly what you need to accomplish your dreams, but you will also find yourself healthier and happier overall!
Can you really transform your life in 24 hours? Yes you can!
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