Over veerkracht in een leven met angst.
Kracht in strijd met paniek gaat over hoe je kunt omgaan met moeilijke momenten in je leven. Het boek belicht de persoonlijke strijd van de auteur die te maken kreeg met burn-outs, paniek- en angstaanvallen. Daarnaast gaat het boek over de vragen die je jezelf kunt stellen om dicht bij jezelf te komen en te ontdekken hoe je zelfs in de moeilijkste momenten in je kracht kan blijven staan. Een zoektocht naar antwoorden binnen allerlei thema’s.
Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams - Lessons in LivingA lot of professors give talks titled "The Last Lecture." Professors are asked to consider their demis...
Taoist Secrets Of Love
Cultivating Male Sexual EnergyReveals the ancient sexual secrets of the Taoist sages. This book teaches: higher taoist practices for alchemical transmutation of body, min...
Fearless Thinking: Moving Past the Obstacles to Personal & Social Evolution
Fearless Thinking: Moving Past the Obstacles to Personal & Social Evolution It is transition time on planet Earth, and we are the transition team. Our job is nothing les...
Make Difficult People Disappear
How to Deal with Stressful Behavior and Eliminate Conflict.Save your organization by building the skills to deal with difficult people. We all have to work with people we...
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Waar gedachten realiteit worden...Het schrijversduo, Jedid-Jah en Marike, veroverde al duizenden harten van lezers met hun eerdere boeken: 'De vrouw van magie' ...
Mini Habits: Smaller Habits, Bigger Results
Discover the Life-Changing Strategy of This Worldwide Bestseller in 17 Languages!Lasting Change For Early Quitters, Burnouts, The Unmotivated, And Everyone Else TooWhen I...
Stop Saying You're Fine
The No-BS Guide to Getting What You WantThis hands-on guide from Mel Robbins, one of America’s top relationship experts and radio/tv personalities, addresses why over 1...
Stop Overreacting : Effective Strategies for Calming Your Emotions
When you are criticized or rejected, do you have a tendency to lash out or withdraw entirely? Both types of knee-jerk reactions can have lasting and unintended consequenc...