Have you lost the passion, the drive and the fire you once had for your business?
Are you tired of riding the financial roller coaster, where sometimes your appointment book is overflowing with a waiting list and sometimes it's empty as a desert?
Are you hitting the glass ceiling of success that virtually every salon or spa owner hits - where income peaks, plateaus, and eventually goes down?
Is your salon/spa business sucking the life out of you? Physically draining and preventing you from having a normal life, such as family get-togethers, time with your friends, your children's sports day, dance performances, and so on.
Are you sick and tired of wasting money on advertising that doesn't get you new clients?
Are you looking to expand to a bigger space or add another location but you are afraid to make the move?
Are you sick of struggling, taking all the risks and putting in sweat equity that you're about ready to throw in the towel and get a regular job with regular work schedule and regular pay?
Do you want to continue running your salon/spa and have a great lifestyle with plenty of money to pay your bills, your mortgage, your car loan and to build a nest egg of cash while having the freedom to work less and when you want?
If you answered YES! to one or more (maybe all) of these questions, then Lies Salon Owners Believe is the book for you.
In this book, Dan Lok and DJ Richoux shatter the seven lies that are holding your business back. Next, they reveal the truth behind why most salon businesses don't work - and what to do about it.
They also share with you strategies and techniques you can utilize to increase your odds of success.
Now is the time to take control of your destiny and to take action. Use the strategies in this book to achieve the life you've always wanted. Now is the first time that you have a chance to stop hoping for a better life and start creating it.
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