Did you ever wonder why you are overweight no matter what you have tried? What is it that your body is doing wrong? Just what role does heredity play? This book takes the science of obesity and weight loss and breaks it down into easy to read and understand terminology.
After reading it you will know what happens to the food you eat. You will understand how your body works and why you are overweight. You will know how to increase your metabolism to burn fat faster, and how to keep it gone. Once you know how your body is working against you, you will be able to make some changes that will get it to work for you.
What to Say When You Talk to Yourself
You dont have to be crazy to talk to yourself! We all talk to ourselves all of the time, usually without realising it. And most of what we tell ourselves is negative, cou...
Why Am I Fat? How Understanding Can Lead to Permanent Weight Loss.
Did you ever wonder why you are overweight no matter what you have tried? What is it that your body is doing wrong? Just what role does heredity play? This book takes the...
The Power of Self-Confidence
Become Unstoppable, Irresistible, and Unafraid in Every Area of Your Life.Why are some people more successful than others? Self-confidence!What one great goal would you s...
Evil Plans
Having Fun on the Road to World Domination''It has never been easier to make a great living doing what you love. But to make it happen, first you need an EVIL P...
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